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  • Concerned Citizens of Southside Virginia – Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Solar Farms

Concerned Citizens of Southside Virginia – Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Solar Farms

On May 6, 2023, the Concerned Citizens of Southside Virginia held a meeting titled Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Solar Farms. The meeting opened with the head of the group, Chuck Angier, giving an introduction to the topic. The group is based in Pittyslvania County and holds monthly meetings in Chatham, Virginia, but the issue of solar farms has become a hot topic in the region, especially in the neighboring county of Halifax and in Charlotte County, Virginia. Several people from Halifax attended the meeting. After Mr. Angier spoke, David Arnold, the Assistant County Administrator for Pittsylvania County gave a presentation. Then Emily Ragsdale, the Community Development Director for Pittsylvania County gave an in depth presentation of the history of solar zoning and development in the county and showed what future projects may be developed. After her presentation, Robin Coles-Goard, the Commissioner of Pittsylvania County spoke and showed how the county receives taxes from these projects. People in the audience asked questions, or made comments, in between the presentations.